I’ve been collecting silk scarves, ties, old garments, and bits of interesting designer fabrics for years. Friends and family keep we well supplied and SCRAP is a major source of materials and inspiration for virtually all of my work. Rescued Reds is an improvisation. I dipped into my collection, and started stitching not knowing where it would lead. At first, it looked like the piece would evolve into a horizontal construction – with the chevrons pointing left and right. At some point, it was clear to me that all those bits of old and well used neckwear wanted to be pointing down like a tie. When I look at it now, I can see the people who contributed to the palette – Fabiana’s party dress, Jeff’s tie, Jake’s satin blouse, my scarf. So for me, Rescued Reds is also a reunion of sorts. The next improvisation will be in the blue green-color family. I think the chevrons will point left and right because climate and the environment are all about protecting our blue and green home world and sadly, the work of conservation is so unfortunately political and polarized.
Materials & TechniquesMonoprints on Evolon. Hand colored with acrylic inks and mounted/stitched to raw silk.DimensionsH: 35" x W: 13" Price$350.00